When you left-click on an existing span annotation, one of your
options is "Autotag matches":
If you select this option, all the eligible spans in the text
which are not yet marked and match the existing span will be
assigned the same annotation label as the already-annotated span.
Autotagging has the following default properties:
There are numerous ways to control and enhance this autotagging
By default, autotagging is case-sensitive, but you can make it
case-insensitive by deselecting "Autotag is case-sensitive" in the
View menu:
You can also change this setting via "View -> All settings..." in the "Annotation operations" tab, by toggling "Take case into account...":
If your document is not tokenized, the characters that determine
the edges of autotag candidates via the
tokenless_autotag_delimiters property, per language, in the task configuration file. Here, we show
the relevant block from the definition of the "Named Entity" sample task:
<language code='en' name='English' tokenless_autotag_delimiters='.,/?!;:'/>
So, for instance, if you're using this task, if you annotate
"Pakistan" in an untokenized document, and you want to autotag all
other "Pakistan" instances as the same label, any such "Pakistan"
instance will have to be flanked, on each end, by either
whitespace, the beginning or end of the document, or one of the
delimiting characters shown above. So the substring "Pakistan" in
" Pakistani" will not be a candidate (because "i" is not a
whitespace character or one of the delimiters), but the "Pakistan"
substring in " Pakistan," will be (because the comma is one of the
delimiters). Note that the substring "Pakistan" in "the
India-Pakistan border" is also not a candidate, because
the dash is not one of the delimiter characters; you could change
this by adding the dash to the set of delimiter characters in your
You'll notice, in the "Annotation operations" tab above, there's
one other setting, to display additional options for autotagging.
If you enable this option, your popup menu will contain, instead
of "Autotag matches", an "Autotag..." entry with a submenu
containing the following operations: