UI settings and configuration

There are a wide range of UI settings which you can change which will allow you to customize the MAT UI. Some of them are available directly within the View menu, and the remainder are available via a settings panel accessible from the View menu.

The View menu

The View menu looks something like this:

[view menu]

The settings in this menu vary according to the type of tab that's active. The settings you see here are:

The settings listed in the View menu are only some of the available features. In order to see all the settings, select "All settings..." from the View menu. This will bring up a modal dialog which permits you to change the settings of all the available settings, including those for other types of tabs and those advanced settings which are never available in the View menu directly. This dialog looks something like this (the available settings, again, may change):

[settings dialog]

You can find a full description of all available UI settings below.

In the remainder of this section, we illustrate two of the most common UI settings, and we'll conclude with more about how to manage your UI settings.

Show character offsets

If you enable this setting, you'll get the following behavior:

[hover with indices]

You can see that in the tagging info line, the start and end offsets of the annotation are now displayed.

Show annotation tables

When a MAT task has spanless annotations, there will always be a lower pane which allows you to see tables of annotations. If you want this pane to appear for all tasks, not just for spanless tasks, you can enable "Show annotation tables" in the "View" menu. You cannot disable the annotation tables for tasks without spanless annotations by disabling this setting; these tasks will always show the annotation tables.

If you enable this setting, your UI will now look like this:

The lower pane gives you access to a table for each annotation label. You can also set a custom setting via "All settings..." to include summary tables for all spanned and spanless annotations. (If they're included, the summary tables will be the default view when you show the annotation tables.) You can use the menu at the top of this lower pane to select the table you want to see (here, we've selected the table for the ORGANIZATION label). In addition, the menu shows the number of entries in each table. Most of the columns in these tables are sortable, by clicking on the column header.

The annotation tables will always show all content annotations for the document, whether or not they have styles associated with them in the legend.

If you hide the annotation table using the "-" button on the tab, it will be hidden until the next time this document tab is displayed, as long as "Show annotation tables" is enabled.

Settings management

In addition to the "All settings..." item, the View menu has a number of other items which help you manage your UI settings.

"Save settings in browser": if you select this item, your current UI settings will be stored in your browser cookies. Whenever you load the MAT UI within the same browser, these settings will be reload from your browser cookies when the UI loads. Note that this does not enable dynamic saving; if you change the settings, and you want those changed settings saved, you'll need to select "Save settings in browser" again.

"Clear saved browser settings": if you select this item, any UI settings stored in your browser cookies will be cleared. This does not affect your current MAT UI session; it means that whenever you load the MAT UI in the future, there will be no saved settings in your browser cookies available for loading.

"Export settings as XML": if you select this item, the browser will save the current UI settings as an XML file (named "ui_settings.xml" by default). If you've configured your browser to prompt you for where to save files, you'll have the opportunity to change the file name and save it where you want. The format of this XML file is described here.

"Import settings from XML": if you select this item, the browser will prompt you to select a UI settings file in the appropriate format for loading. The current UI settings will be modified as a result of the successful load. The UI will show you a status popup reporting that the load is complete.

"Reset settings to defaults": if you select this item, the current UI settings will be changed to the default settings provided by the MAT Web server.

The default UI settings are described below. If you start up MATWeb normally, MATWeb will provide those settings as the defaults. However, you can modify the default UI settings provided by the server by passing an XML file to the --ui_settings option of MATWeb. The XML file produced by the "Export settings as XML" item has the proper format for the --ui_settings option to MATWeb; in other words, you can start the server, customize your settings, save an XML file from the UI, and then use that XML file as the server defaults in the future.

Available settings

The UI settings are subdivided into several categories. The description here mirrors the tabs in the UI settings popup.

General UI settings

Annotation table settings

Annotation palette settings

Annotation popup menu settings

Annotation editor settings

Reconciliation settings

Annotation operation settings

How to change the settings

There are three ways to change your settings in the MAT UI.


You can change the default UI settings by creating an XML file and passing it to the --ui_settings option of MATWeb when you start it up, or you can load the settings into the UI directly via "View -> Import settings from XML". You can also save your current settings to XML via "View -> Export settings to XML".

Let's say that you want to change the default way the UI prepares the annotation hover. By default, the text doesn't show the annotation offsets; but you want them to be shown. Your XML file would look like this:

<showCharOffsets default="yes"/>

Each setting is the name of an element within the <ui_settings> element, and each element accepts the new default value as the value of its "default" attribute.

In the MAT UI

In the MAT UI, the "View" menu will allow you to change the settings. The more common settings are available directly in the "View" menu, and you can review and change all the settings via "View -> All settings...".

Via browser cookies

In the MAT UI, you can also save your current browser settings as cookies via "View -> Save settings in browser", and the settings will be applied when you visit the MAT URL in the same browser. You can also clear the saved browser settings.

In the standalone UI

In the standalone UI, you can modify the defaults by passing in new values via the uiSettings parameter. Not all the settings are available in the standalone UI.

List of settings

Here are all the known settings. The order of the settings is the order in which they were introduced into MAT.

name of setting
available values
system default value
Javascript values in standalone UI
whether the description of the annotation created when you over over the annotation contains the annotation start and end offsets or not
yes, no
true, false (default)
whether the document pane shows the segments in the document or not (you should never need this one)
yes, no
true, false (default)
where the annotation editor should be presented, by default ("neither" means no default is set)
tab, popup, neither
whether or not the level of detail in the annotation editor should be reduced
yes, no
true, false (default)
whether the annotation editor popup should be placed in the middle of the workbench, instead of in the upper right corner
yes, no
true, false (default)
whether the UI, when asked to tag all identical untagged text sequences elsewhere in the document with the current tag and attributes, takes case into account when determining string identity
yes, no
true (default), false
whether the UI will show annotation tables for document windows in situations where they're not required by default
yes, no
whether the UI, during reconciliation, will offer to advance to the next stratum when a stratum is completed
yes, no
whether the UI, during reconciliation, will export reconciled documents to files ("yes") or to other UI tabs ("no")
yes, no
the key that the annotation menu popups recognize as a request to delete an annotation
a single character
a single character
the key that the annotation menu popups recognize as a request to repeat the last annotation label
a single character
a single character
whether to highlight the links between an annotation and other annotations when the mouse hovers over it yes, no
true (default), false
initial width of each annotation editor popup
a CSS width or raw number (interpreted as pixels)
determined by editor content
a string representing a CSS width or raw number
the percentage of the default font size that the body of the annotation editor is rendered with
a CSS percentage or raw number (interpreted as a percent)
inherited from parent (i.e., 100%)
a string representing a CSS percentage or raw number
the percentage of the default font size that the body of the annotation tables are rendered with
a CSS percentage or raw number (interpreted as a percent) inherited from parent (i.e., 100%) N/A
the width, in pixels, of the right-hand pane in the MAT desktop (not available from the "View" menu because the value is processed before the menu is available)
a number
the height, in pixels, of the bottom details pane in the MAT desktop (not available from the "View" menu because the value is processed before the menu is available) a number
the height, in ems, of the extra spacing between each line in the text panes in the UI
a float
no value
a string representing a float
whether to suppress the usual menu actions (e.g., create/replace/delete annotations) while annotation editors are open
yes, no
true, false (default)
whether to show the annotation ID, in various display locations, for the purposes of debugging serialization/deserialization problems with annotation-valued attributes.
yes, no
true, false (default)
whether to show actions in the annotation popup menu which allow the user to invoke choose mode to link annotations together, when such actions are possible and not otherwise suppressed (see suppressMenuActionsDuringAnnotationEdit above)
yes, no
true (default), false
whether to open an annotation editor immediately when a spanless annotation is created
yes, no
true (default), false
xmlInputAnnotationConversion what to do with unknown annotations when reading XML input
discard, convert, signal
whether to add numeric keyboard accelerators (1 through 9) to items in the annotation menu which provide annotation values to attributes in an open annotation editor
yes, no
false (default), true
whether to enter guided navigation mode in the annotation editors
never, on request, always
never (default), on request, always
whether to show stacked rather than overlapping annotations for non-comparison and non-reconciliation documents when hand annotation isn't available
yes, no
true (default), false
whether to display additional options for autotagging (delete all matches, relabel all matches) in the annotation popup menu for existing annotations
yes, no
true, false (default)
whether or not to trim tokenless autotag delimiters and whitespace on the periphery of tokenless swipes
yes, no
true, false (default)
whether or not to expand to the nearest tokenless autotag delimiter or whitespace on the periphery of tokenless swipes, much as swipe expansion happens in token-based annotation
yes, no
true, false (default)
showAnnotationTableSummaries whether or not to show summaries of all spanned and all spanless annotations as an option in the annotation tables
yes, no
true, false (default)
whether or not to present, in the summary annotation tables, a sparse display with a column for each attribute of each annotation label, rather than a single column describing the attribute values
yes, no
true, false (default)
the height, in em units, of the gap between stacked annotation layers in the simple annotation palette (not comparison, reconciliation or alignment)
a float
no value
a string representing a float
the height, in em units, of the stacked annotation layers in the simple annotation palette (not comparison, reconciliation, or alignment)
a float
no value
a string representing a float
the percentage of the default font size that the body of the annotation popup menu is rendered with
a CSS percentage or raw number (interpreted as a percent)
inherited from parent (i.e., 100%)
a string representing a CSS percentage or raw number
if set, the key which will dismiss a focused annotation editor (as long as guided navigation mode is not enabled)
a single character
a single character
how to handle Unicode characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane. See the Unicode issues discussion for details.
warn, scrub_or_warn, ignore, fail
inherited from core HANDLE_NON_BMP runtime setting
warn (default), scrub_or_warn, ignore, fail
compressAnnotationEditMenu if set, compress the popup menu for modifying existing annotations by moving some of the actions to submenus
yes, no
true, false (default)